background image







t  is hazard o u s f o r an yo n e o t her t han  au t ho rized  service p erso n n el t o  carry o u t  servicin g  o r rep airs w hich 

in vo lves t he rem o val o f  co vers. To  avo id  t he risk o f  an elect ric sho ck, d o  n o t  at t em p t  t o  rep air t his ap p lian ce 
yo u rself . 



isk o f  f ire /  f lam m ab le m at erials. 

Safety tips 


o  n o t  u se elect rical ap p lian ces su ch as a hair d ryer o r heat er t o  d ef ro st  yo u r Frid g e/ Freezer.



o n t ain ers w it h f lam m ab le g ases o r liq u id s can  leak at  lo w  t em p erat u res.



o  n o t  st o re an y co n t ain ers w it h f lam m ab le m at erials, su ch as sp ray can s, f ire ext in g u isher ref ill cart rid g es 

et c. in  t he Frid g e/ Freezer. 



o   n o t   p lace  carb o n at ed   o r  f izzy  d rin ks  in   t he  Freezer  co m p art m en t .  Ice  lo llies  can   cau se 

Fro st / Freeze 

b u rn s

. If  co n su m ed  st raig ht  f ro m  t he Frid g e/ Freezer. 



o   n o t   rem o ve  it em s  f ro m   t he  Frid g e/ Freezer  co m p art m en t   if   yo u r  han d s  are  d am p / w et ,  as  t his  co u ld  

cau se  skin   ab rasio n s  o r 

Fro st / Freezer  b u rn s

.  Bot t les  an d   can s  m ust   n o t   b e  p laced   in   t he  Freezer 

co m p art m en t  as t hey can  b u rst  w hen  t he co n t en t s f reeze.   


an u f act u rer

s reco m m en d ed  st o rag e t im es sho u ld  b e ad hered  t o . Ref er t o  relevan t  in st ru ct io n s. 


o  n o t  allo w  child ren  t o   t am p er w it h t he co n t ro ls  o r p lay w it h t he Frid g e/ Freezer. The Frid g e/ Freezer is 

heavy. Care sho u ld  b e t aken  w hen  m o vin g  it . It  is d ang ero u s t o  alt er t he sp ecif icat io n  o r at t em p t  t o  m o d if y 
t his p ro d u ct  in  an y w ay.   


o  n o t  st o re in f lam m ab le g ases o r liq u id s in sid e yo u r Frid g e/ Freezer.   


f   t he  p o w er  cab le  is  d am ag ed ,  it   m ust   b e  rep laced   b y  t he  m anu f act u rer,  it s  service  ag en t   o r  sim ilarly 

q u alif ied  p erso n s in  o rd er t o  avo id  a hazard . 


his  ap p lian ce  is  n o t   in t en d ed   f o r  u se  b y  p erso n s  (in clu d in g   child ren )  w it h  red u ced   p hysical,  sen so ry  o r 

m en t al  cap ab ilit ies,  o r  lack  o f   exp erien ce  an d   kn o w led g e,  u n less  t hey  have  b een   g iven   su p ervisio n   o r 
in st ru ct io n  co n cern in g  u se o f  t he ap p lian ce b y a p erso n  resp o n sib le f o r t heir saf et y.   


his ref rig erat in g  ap p liance is n o t  in t en d ed  t o  b e u sed  as a b u ilt -in  ap p lian ce. 



his ap p lian ce is in t en d ed  t o  b e u sed  in  ho u seho ld  an d  sim ilar ap p licat io n s su ch as 


st af f  kit chen  areas in  sho p s, o f f ices an d  o t her w o rkin g  en viro n m en t s; 

Содержание NR-BS734MSSA

Страница 1: ...cations 5 4 Preparations for use 6 5 Functions 7 6 Instructions for food storage 9 7 Tips for special needs 11 8 Maintenance and cleaning 11 9 Simple fault analysis and elimination 12 10 Certifications 13 11 Safe recovery instructions 13 Thank you very much for purchasing Panasonic Product ...

Страница 2: ...Specifications 5 4 Preparations for use 6 5 Functions 7 6 Instructions for food storage 9 7 Tips for special needs 11 8 M aintenance and cleaning 11 9 Sim ple fault analysis and elim ination 12 10 Certifications 13 11 Safe recovery instructions 13 ...

Страница 3: ... the Freezer com partm ent as they can burst w hen the contents freeze M anufacturer s recom mended storage tim es should be adhered to Refer to relevant instructions Do not allow children to tam per w ith the controls or play w ith the Fridge Freezer The Fridge Freezer is heavy Care should be taken w hen m oving it It is dangerous to alter the specification or attem pt to m odify this product in ...

Страница 4: ...of defrosting of contents or tem perature becom ing too w arm in the frozen food com partm ent w hen sited for an extended period of tim e below the cold end of the range of tem peratures for w hich the refrigerating appliance is designed W ARNING It is necessary that for doors or lids fitted w ith locks and keys the keys be kept out of the reach of children and not in the vicinity of the refriger...

Страница 5: ... lim it values of the am bient tem perature range for the clim ate classes for w hich the refrigerating appliance is designed and the fact that the internal tem peratures could be affected by such factors as location of the refrigerating appliance ambient tem perature and the frequency of door opening the setting of any tem perature control device m ight have to be varied to allow for these factor...

Страница 6: is the environm entally friendly product Stylish appearance Adopting the optim ized m an m achine engineering design the side by side refrigerator has an elegant and novel appearance and is easy to be opened M ore user friendly designs Such functions as w ide w orking voltage range autom atic tem perature control pow er off m em ory pow er on delay autom atic alarm fast freezing and fridge pow ...

Страница 7: ... Runing 30 m in stopping 15m in Diagram of Circuit Principles Preparations for use Installation location u Ventilation condition The position you select for the refrigerator installation should be w ell ventilated and has less hot air Do not locate the refrigerator near a heat source such as cooker and avoid it from direct sunlight thus guaranteeing the refrigeration effect w hile saving energy co...

Страница 8: ...oth 3 Pow er on Insert the plug into the solid socket to start the com pressor After 1 hour open the freezer door if the tem perature inside the freezer com partm ent drops obviously it indicates the refrigeration system is w orking norm ally 4 Storage of food After the refrigerator runs for a period of tim e the internal tem perature of the refrigerator w ill be autom atically controlled accordin...

Страница 9: ... Zone key to select the freezer zone until the corresponding icon gets flickering and then press the Tem p key to set the tem perature as desire finally press the OK key to validate the setting The freezer tem perature setting cycles as follow ing 18 17 16 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 1 2 Fast Freeze 1 W hen the Fast Freeze function is enabled the freezer tem perature w ill be controlled at 32 autom atica...

Страница 10: ...can be stopped w hen any key is pressed but w ill be restored after 3 m inutes if the door keeps open The alarm s w ill not be lifted until the door is closed 1 7 Pow er cut m em ory In the case of pow er failure the refrigerator w ill m aintain the running state that is set before the pow er outage w hen the pow er supply is restored 1 8 Pow er on delay In order to protect the refrigerator com pr...

Страница 11: ...o m any or too w eight foods inside the refrigerator Keep enough space betw een foods if too close the cold air flow w ill be blocked thus affecting the refrigeration effect Do not store excessive or overw eight foods to avoid the shelf from being crushed W hen storing the foods keep a distance aw ay from the inner w all and do not place the w ater rich foods too close to the fridge rear w all les...

Страница 12: ... your appliance W hen you are out for a long tim e If the appliance w ill not be used for several m onths turn it off first and then unplug the plug from the w all outlet Take out all foods Clean and dry the interior thoroughly To prevent odor and m old grow th leave the door ajar block it open or have the door rem oved if necessary Keep the cleaned appliance in a dry ventilated place and aw ay fr...

Страница 13: ...ned w ith autom atic defrosting function thus no need to defrost it m anually Changing the lamp The LED lam p is used by the refrigerator for lighting w hich features low energy consum ption and long service life In case of any abnorm ality please contact the after sales personnel for visiting service The lam ps can only be replaced by the m anufacturer together w ith a part of the appliance Safet...

Страница 14: ...fridge and freezer com partm ents get spoiled Note If the above descriptions are inapplicable to troubleshooting do not disassem ble and repair it yourself Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons m ay cause injury or serious m alfunctioning Contact the local store w here your purchase w as m ade This product should be serviced by an authorized engineer and only genuine spare parts should be u...

Страница 15: ... possible harm to the environm ent or hum an health from uncontrolled w aste disposal recycle it responsibly to prom ote the sustainable reuse of m aterial resources To return your used device please use the return and collection system s or contact the retailer w here the product w as purchased They can take this product for environm entally safe recycling ...
