Containers to Use
Many plastic containers are
designed for microwave use, but do
not use for cooking foods high in
sugar or fat or for foods that require
long cooking times e.g. brown rice.
Only use Tupperware
if they are designed for Microwave
Pottery, Earthenware,
If completely glazed, these dishes
are suitable. Do not use if partially
glazed or unglazed, since they are
able to absorb water which in turn
absorbs microwave energy, making
the container very hot and slows
down the cooking of food.
Oven Glass
Everyday glass that is heat resistant
e.g. Pyrex
, is ideal for Microwave,
Oven or Eco Combi cooking. Do not
use delicate glass or lead crystal
which may crack or arc.
Do not use Melamine.
Never cook in margarine
cartons or yoghurt pots,
as these will melt with the
heat from the food. If heatproof they
can be used for Grill, Oven or Eco
Combi cooking.
China and Ceramic
Everyday glazed china, porcelain
or ceramic plates, bowls, mugs and
cups can be used if they are heat
resistant. Fine bone china should
only be used for reheating for short
periods. Do not use dishes with a
metal rim or pattern. Do not use
jugs or mugs with glued handles,
since the glue can melt. If dishes
are heat resistant they may be used
on Oven and Eco Combi but not
directly under the Grill.
Never attempt to cook in foil or
containers on Microwave only
as the microwaves cannot pass
through and the food will not heat
evenly, it may also damage your
oven. Foil and metal containers can
be used on Grill or Oven.