Open a new browser window and enter your phone IP address in order to access the phone
web administration interface login screen. Example:
Login to the phone web administration interface with your username and password. Please
note, factory default login details are username: admin and password: adminpass.
HTTP Provisioning
HTTP Provisioning offers additional layer of security compared to TFTP so it is recommended to
use it when provisioning Panasonic devices.
NOTE: In order to use HTTP provisioning you must set up HTTP Username and HTTP password
on PBXware. To do that, log in to your PBXware GUI and navigate to:
HTTP Username and HTTP Password are set under:
Settings -> Servers -> YourServerName (edit) -> Auto Provisioning (section) -> HTTP
Username/HTTP Password
On Multi-tenant PBXware HTTP username and password are set per tenant:
HTTP Username and HTTP Password are set under:
Settings -> Servers -> TenantName (edit) -> Auto Provisioning (section) -> HTTP
Username/HTTP Password
Once you are logged in your phones web interface click Network and once in Network settings
click HTTP Client Settings in left pane. Under HTTP Authentication for Authentication ID
enter HTTP username you set in your PBXware and for Authentication Password enter your
HTTP password and click Save button.
After you changed these settings click Maintenance tab and then click Provisioning
Maintenance in left pane. Make sure Enable Provisioning is set to Yes and enter your
PBXware address in Standard File URL field.
For HTTP provisioning link must be in this form:{mac}.cfg
Replace with your PBXware IP address or domain name and click Save to preserve
changes and initiate auto provisioning.
Once you click Save button your phone will reboot and send request for auto provisioning
configuration file to PBXware. If all settings are configured properly phone should receive the
configuration file and register to assigned extension once it boots up. To make sure everything
works fine you can dial *123 to see if you will get into the voicemail sound prompt.
TFTP Provisioning
TFTP provisioning does not require setting up HTTP username and password on PBXware and
also you don't have to enter these credentials in the phone.
After you set up extension as explained above, log in to your phone web interface, click
Maintenance tab and then click Provisioning Maintenance in left pane. Make sure Enable
Provisioning is set to Yes and enter your PBXware address in Standard File URL field.
For HTTP provisioning link must be in this form: