*: Available for KX-TD1232 only.
Example of SMDR printout format:
(1) Date : shows the date of the call as Day / Month / Year.
(2) Time : shows the end time of a call as Hour:Minute /
AM or PM.
(3) Ext : shows the extension number, floating number, etc.
that engaged in a call.
(4) CO : shows the CO line number used for the call.
(5) Dial Number
Outgoing call: shows the other party’s telephone
number (Regular call record : Max. 30 digits, Charge or
Meter call record : Max. 20 digits). Valid digits are 0
through 9,
, #, P (if PAUSE button is pressed), or the
mark “=” (if a host PBX access code is entered).
Received call: shows <INCOMING> and <I>.
(6) Duration : shows the duration of the call as Hours /
Minutes / Seconds.
(7) Acc Code (Account Code): shows the account code
appended to the call.
(8) CD (Condition Code): shows call handling type with the
following codes:
TR: Transfer
FW: Call Forwarding to CO Line
*D0: Non Security CO Line Access using DISA
*D1 through D4: DISA User Codes 1 through 4
RM: Remote access to a modem
To print out the record of System Programming items that
have been assigned, use the program [802] “System Data
(9) Cost : shows the charge.
(10) Cost : shows the meter.
• Connect a printer provided with an EIA (RS-232C) interface to the EIA
(RS-232C) connector located on the main unit.
• When programmed for outgoing toll calls only, printing occurs only for
calls which start with the numbers stored in any Denied Code Table
from levels 2 to 6. If ARS is employed, not the user-dialed but the
modified number is checked against these tables.
• This system can store information up to 100 calls. If more calls are
originated or received, previous records are deleted starting from the
oldest one.
• This data is not deleted when you reset the system.