In order to maintain the optimum
output of the module, please con-
duct periodic inspection.
It is also recommended to inspect
the electrical and mechanical con-
nections annually.
If you need electrical or mechanical
inspection or maintenance, it is rec-
ommended to have a licensed au-
thorized professional carry out the
inspection or maintenance to avoid
the hazards of electric shock or inju-
Light dirt that does not shield light
completely does not significantly
degrade power generation perfor-
mance, but if the module surface
becomes dirty, it may reduce output
It is recommended to clean the sur-
face of the module with water and
a soft cloth or sponge.
When cleaning with neutral glass
detergent or weak alkaline glass
detergent, it is recommended to
start with smallest area and from
the edge of solar modules in order
to check no damage occurs to the
After that, clean surface of glass
with wet and clean cloth.
Recommended detergent: "Glass
or "Windex® Original"
Glass Magiclean is a trademark
of Kao Corporation.
2) Windex® is a trademark of
SC Johnson & Son, Inc.
It is recommended to read carefully
the manuals of detergent and un-
derstand notes on usage and first-
aid treatment.
To remove persistent dirt, the mod-
ule can be washed with a micro-
fiber cloth and ethanol.
Never use abrasive detergent,
strong alkaline detergent, strong
acid detergent or a detergent which
forms a protective layer on the sur-
face of the glass to clean any part of
the module. The performance of a
solar modules may be reduced.
Please be very careful since the war-
ranty will not cover the damages
caused by detergents.
Panasonic does not assume responsibility
and expressly disclaims liability for loss,
damage, or expense arising out of, or in
any way connected with installation,
operation, use, or maintenance by using
this manual.
Panasonic assumes no responsibility for
any infringement of patents or other
rights of third parties, which may result
from use of modules.
No license is granted by implication or
under any patent or patent rights. The
information in this manual is believed to
be reliable, but does not constitute an
expressed and/or implied warranty.
As part of our policy of continuous im-
provement Panasonic reserves the right
to make changes to the product, specifi-
cations, or manual at any time without
prior notice.
The return of any modules will not be
accepted by Panasonic unless prior writ-
ten authorization has been given by
Panasonic Eco Solutions of North Ameri-
ca, Two Riverfront Plaza. 5th Floor, New-
ark, NJ 07102
© SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. 2018
SANYO is part of the Panasonic Group
and is in charge of the manufacturing
process for HIT