7.2 Registering Multiple Cameras
You can register other Panasonic Network Cameras to this camera’s [Multi] tab. This allows you to view images
from up to 16 cameras by simply accessing this camera and clicking the [Multi] tab.
Registering other cameras to this camera
Click the [Setup] tab.
On the left side of the screen under [Advanced], click [Multi-Camera].
Click [Add].
Under [Add Camera], check [Display].
Enter the IP address or host name of the other camera.
To allow users to view cameras over the Internet, enter the camera’s global IP address or host name
here (i.e., the IP address or host name needed to access the other camera over the Internet).
To allow users to view cameras from the LAN, enter the local IP address of the other camera here (i.e.,
the IP address needed to access the other camera over the LAN).
See Page 147 for a list of valid characters. Note that [Space], ["], ['], [&], [<], [>], [#], [%], [=], [+], and
[?] are not available.
You can register this camera to the multi camera page by simply clicking [Clicking this link, enters this
camera's settings.].
Enter the port number of the other camera.
Enter the camera’s name (max. 15 characters). This is the camera name that is displayed on the [Multi]
page and does not need to match the camera name set on the other camera.
Only ASCII characters are available (see Page 147). Note that [Space], ["], ['], [&], [<], [>], [#], [%], [=],
[+], [?], and [:] are not available.
Click [Save].
Modifying previously registered cameras
Click the [Setup] tab.
On the left side of the screen under [Advanced], click [Multi-Camera].
Click the desired camera number.
Operating Instructions
7.2 Registering Multiple Cameras