space to prevent the the creation of fissures in the upper wall due to expansion of the metal.
small sticks of wood. Once the fire starts to burn, add two logs of wood each
- Before installing the insert it 's recommended to take out all its loose interior parts
convection. To do so leave a minimum spacing of 50 mm around the fireplace to create
- The masonry must not touch the upper part of the fireplace, allow a minimum of 5mm.
to embed the fireplace from the bottom upwards.
- Once positioned, perform a functional test before final embedment. It ' s recommended
the next charge but no stronger.
previous charge has been burnt, leaving only a basic fire bed which is enough to light
one hour. In any instance a charge of fuel must not be added to the device until the
- It is normal for smoke to appear during the first few uses of the insert, as certain
to avoid breakage, and once placed at its final site reinstall all the interior parts.
the convection chamber.
place, isolating all areas close (to improve the sealing), in order to exploit the heat of
- It is recommended to install a vent in the area between the roof and the top of the fire-
outside, with a size of at least 200 cm
- The lower part of the insert needs to have a direct air entrance, from the inside or
device must be kept completely open. Once the fire is more intense, close the door
- For the lighting process of the device it is recommended you use paper, fire lighters or
of wood (roughly two logs weighing 1 Kg. each) must be placed inside at intervals of
- In order to achieve the stated nominal heat output of this device a total quantity of 1.7Kg.
- The device is not designed to function with the door open under any circunstances.
components of the heat-resistant paint burn whilst the pigment of the actual device is
- The device is intended to function intermitently with intervals for recharging the fuel.
the device, glass and smoke outlet.
air inlets.
completely (if open) and regulate the intensity of the fire by closing and opening the
- Use only dry wood with a maximum moisture content of 20%. Wood with a moisture
content higher than 50 or 60% does not heat and combusts very badly, and creates
a lot of tar, releases excessive amounts of vapour and deposits excess sediments onto
- The fire should be lit using special fire lighters, or paper and small pieces of wood.
Never try to light the fire using alcohol or similar products.
- Do not burn domestic rubbish, plastic materials or greasy products that can pollute
the environment and lead to risks of fire due to obstruction of the pipes.
fixed. Therefore the room should be aired until the smoke disappears.
weighing 1 to 1’3 Kg. as a first initial charge. In this lighting process the air inlets of the
can function without this seal, it is recommended that you replace it seasonally.
- It is normal for the seal of the glass door panel to melt with use. Even though the device
-When adding insert or when taking out the ash pan, some of the ashes may fall on the
exterior of the stove. Please turn the switch to 0 or I before opening the door, as to avoid
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