Preventive Maintenance & Storage
Preventive Maintenance
It is important to periodically test the Panacea Air APL mattress control unit to verify
the proper functionality. Lack of regular maintenance can result in poor or reduced
resident support.
1. The air filter for the control unit should be checked routinely for signs of dirt or
contamination. The frequency for replacing depends on the air quality.
2. The air filter is accessible from the outside of the pump; it is approximately two
inches by one inch covered by a plastic cover.
3. As the filter is white, the need to replace dirty filters is apparent because they
will darken in color due to the collection of dirt. Simply remove the plastic cover,
remove the filter and replace with a new filter.
4. Replace the plastic cover.
1. Always store the support surface flat on a clean, level surface.
2. Avoid storage of other equipment on top of the support surface.