9. Prior to Allegro biocontainer installation, the lift pin needs to be released to unlock the port
plate clamp (Figure 18).
Figure 18
Lifting pin being released
10. The swivel locking plate is used to secure and unsecure the ports of the Allegro biocontainer
and needs to be opened to install the Allegro biocontainer. (Figure 19).
Figure 19
Swivel door opened
Installation of the Allegro biocontainer/system
1. Confirm that the selected Allegro 3D biocontainer/system is suited for the tote.
2. Inspect the Allegro biocontainer system packaging. Verify that it is free from damage that
might compromise the integrity of the system.
3. Remove the system from its packaging. Do not unfold the Allegro biocontainer.
4. Hold the Allegro 3D biocontainer with the port plate facing down (at the bottom) and closest
to the front (opening side) (Figure 20).
Figure 20
Unpackaged Allegro biocontainer inserted into tote
Two operators are recommended to perform Allegro biocontainer installation