Section 5 - Programming the Radio
This section describes how a personality is compiled and then downloaded into the
radio's internal memory.
During manufacture, the T6M transceiver is programmed with a default personality, or
with a personality as per the user's requirements.
Note …
A personality is the programme that defines the radio's channel frequencies,
operating modes, and other options.
A new personality can be compiled and loaded into the radio at any time using the
programming kit (70-T6MPMKIT) available from PAE. The kit contains CD-ROM or
floppy disk based software and a programming lead. A laptop computer, or PC, must be
available to compile the personality.
The following topics and procedures are detailed in this section:
Programmable options (see page 36).
Installing the programming software onto a laptop computer, or PC (see
page 37).
Creating a new personality (see page 37).
Saving a personality (see page 42).
Opening a saved personality (see page 43).
Loading a personality into the radio (see page 43).
Reading a personality from the radio (see page 43).
Printing a personality report (see page 44).
T6M User Guide
Page 33