Transmit Inhibit
Any frequency programmed into the radio can be made ‘receive only’. To achieve this,
the transmit function on the channel is always inhibited, or the transmit facility can be
inhibited only when the channel is busy. If warning sounds have been set, a warning is
heard when an attempt is made to key the transmitter.
Maximum Transmit Time
A maximum continuous transmit time can be programmed into the radio's personality.
The options are:
No limit.
A limit that can be set between 30 and 300 seconds.
If a limit has been set, and warning sounds have been set, the radio produces
warning beeps 10 seconds before the transmission time expires.
Front Panel Display for 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing
When selecting an 8.33 kHz channel frequency, the displayed frequency differs from
the actual channel frequency. Table 1 on page 26 shows the pattern used for 25 kHz
and 8.33 kHz spaced channel frequencies from 118.000 MHz to 118.1916 MHz. The
pattern is the same for any frequency within the radio's frequency range. The display
conforms to ICAO convention for 8.33 kHz operation.
Note that operation using 8.33 kHz channel spacing within the USA is not currently
allowed under FCC regulations.
T6M User Guide
Page 25