Chapter 5 - The Contact Wing
Setting up an Excel File for Import
Remove any introductory text or headings from the top of the file. (You can keep text
at the end of the file; it will be ignored during the import.)
Insert a blank row as the first row, then insert the headings that Softalk will use to
interpret the meaning of each column. The columns can be in any order. The most
popular headings are:
– display-name
– entry_id
– given_name
– surname
– postal_address.
For a complete list of headings, see " Error! Reference source not found." on page Error!
Bookmark not defined..
Save the file as *.csv.
Exporting Contacts
You can export a contacts list to a comma-separated file, a pst file or a vcf file.
Click the Contacts menu and choose Export. The Export Contacts wizard starts.
When you click Next, the export starts. The result is:
– For an Outlook export, the existing .pst file is updated to include the entries from
the Softalk contacts list. If Outlook is open, the entries immediately appear in the
Contacts list. All information in the Softalk contacts list is exported to Microsoft
Outlook. Only information that can be displayed in Outlook actually appears in
the Outlook Contacts window. Typically this means that all SIP addresses are
exported (and stored in custom fields) but not displayed in Outlook.
– For other formats, a new file of the specified type is created.