Due to high temperatures, this gas appliance should be located out of traffic and away from furniture
and draperies.
Children and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surface temperatures and should stay
away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.
Young children should be carefully supervised when they are in the same room as the appliance.
Toddlers, young children, and others may be susceptible to accidental contact burns. A physical
barrier is recommended if there are at-risk individuals in the house. To restrict access to a fireplace
or stove, install an adjustable safety gate to keep toddlers, young children, and other at-risk
individuals out of the room and away from hot surfaces. Clothing or other flammable material should
not be placed on or near the appliance.
Any grill, panel or door removed for servicing the unit must be replaced prior to operating. Failure to
do so may create a hazardous condition.
Installation and repair should be done by a qualified service person. The appliance should be
inspected before use and at least annually by a professional service person. More frequent cleaning
may be required due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding material, etc. It is imperative that
control compartments, burners and circulating air passageways of the appliance be kept clean.
It is our policy that no responsibility is assumed by the Company or by any of its employees or
representatives for any damages caused by an inoperable, inadequate, or unsafe condition which is
the result, either directly or indirectly, of any improper operation or installation procedures.
This appliance must not be connected to a chimney flue serving a separate solid fuel burning