A heartbeat is stimulated by electrical signals that cause the
heart to contract. Arrhythmia is a condition where the
heartbeat rhythm is abnormal due to flaws in the bio-electrical
system that drives the heartbeat. Typical symptoms are
skipped heartbeats, premature contraction, an abnormally
rapid (tachycardia) or slow (bradycardia) pulse. This can be
caused by heart disease, aging, physical predisposition,
stress, lack of sleep, fatigue etc. The appearance of an
irregular heartbeat symbol does indicate arrhythmia.
Arrhythmia and other heart conditions can only be properly
diagnosed by a doctor through a medical examination.
An irregular heartbeat is defined as a heartbeat that varies by
25% from the average of all heartbeat intervals while the unit is
measuring the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
This Blood Pressure Monitor is equipped with an intelligent
Irregular Heartbeat (IHB) Detector. During each measurement,
the monitor records the heartbeat intervals and works out the
standard deviation. If the calculated value is larger than or
equal to 15, this device will record an IHB.
If an irregular rhythm is detected more than twice during
measurement, the irregular heartbeat symbol with three
hearts will appear on the display along with the
measurement results.
Note: The appearance of the IHB icon indicates that a pulse
irregularity consistent with an irregular heartbeat was
detected during measurement. Usually this is NOT a cause
for concern. However, if the symbol appears often, we
recommend you seek medical advice. Please note that the
device does not replace a cardiac examination, but serves
to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage. Do not use
this device as a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and
check-ups by your physician.