I: Usage guidelines
1. Once fi tted the OXFORD HotGrips are designed for keeping gloved hands at a comfortable warm
temperature. Small changes to the ambient temperature will affect the temperature of the HotGrips
and it is necessary to adjust the Electronic Heat Controller settings (up or down) as appropriate. If the
grips are too hot please ensure the heat controller is turned down or even switch it OFF if necessary.
2. The heat controller has 3 raised buttons to make it easier to locate and feel the buttons when riding,
especially in the dark. The On/Off switch acts as a battery isolator so there will be no back drain
current when turned off.
3. To turn the grips ON, simply press down and release the ON button. The switch will automatically
turn on to the lowest heat setting. To increase or reduce the temperature, simply press the smaller
buttons with the plus and minus symbols. There are 4 different heat settings to choose from and each
setting will be indicated by a different LED light.
To turn the grips OFF, simply press down and then release the OFF button.
4. To prevent the battery of the vehicle from being discharged when the engine of the vehicle is turned
off, the Heat Controller has sophisticated software that will automatically switch off all power to
the HOTGRIPS before the battery voltage becomes very low. However, the voltage maybe too low to
restart the vehicle as it is designed to ensure that the battery is not permanently damaged and can
still be recharged. This voltage is set at between 10.5 - 11.0 Volts.
5. If connected directly to the battery, please ensure that you remember to switch off the HOTGRIPS
before leaving the vehicle. The blue LED should remind you that it is switched on.
6. If the switch is left on when the vehicle is parked up and is then connected to a battery charger or
optimiser it could allow the switch to remain ON. This is because a battery charger will charge at
up- to 14.4Volts and therefore may prevent the switch from automatically switching off. It could be
dangerous to leave HOTGRIPS turned on and unattended, particularly if the switch is on the
maximum setting as the grips may become too hot. In rare cases the grips could overheat.
7. To prevent the HOTGRIPS being turned on by accident, you will have to wire the Heat Controller to a
circuit which is turned off by the ignition key. Then the switch will always be turned off at the same
time as the engine. This can avoid a fl at battery situation.
Unfortunately Oxford Products cannot accept any responsibility for fl attened batteries.
J: Technical Data
• 12 Volt Systems only (Typical running voltage between 13.5 and 14.3 Volts)
• Switch information: Switch will turn-off if voltage reduces to approximately 11.5V.
• Back drain current: zero if the switch is turned OFF
• Current drain: Average 3.6amps per pair (up to 2.0 amps each – 28 Watts - 30 Watts)
• Fuse: 5Amp mini-blade fuse (available in all automotive shops)
• When Hotgrips are fi tted to your motorbike we always advise you to connect the battery to a
charging system such as the OXFORD Oximiser or Maximiser360T when the bike is not in use.
On some motorbikes that have older or small capacity batteries, the extra electrical current
demanded by the Hotgrips can reduce the battery voltage levels and replacing this by charging
Oxford Hotgrips instructions v.7 switch - 10/12/08