4.Advanced User Guidebook
: Compare the rising edge of CH1 and CH2, calculate phase difference
of two channels.
Phase difference=(Delay between channels at the rising
Note for the following delay measurements:
Source A and Source B can be set in the automatic measurement function menu.
: Time between Source A first rising edge and Source B first rising edge.
: Time between Source A first rising edge and Source B first falling edge.
: Time between Source A first falling edge and Source B first rising edge.
: Time between Source A first falling edge and Source B first falling edge.
: Time between Source A first rising edge and Source B last rising edge.
: Time between Source A first rising edge and Source B last falling edge.
: Time between Source A first falling edge and Source B last rising edge.
: Time between Source A first falling edge and Source B last falling edge.
Other measurements
: The number of positive pulses that rise above the mid
reference crossing in the waveform.
: The number of negative pulses that fall below the mid
reference crossing in the waveform.
: The number of positive transitions from the low
reference value to the high reference value in the waveform.
: The number of negative transitions from the high
reference value to the low reference value in the waveform.
: The area of the whole waveform within the screen and the unit is
voltage-second. The area measured above the zero reference (namely the
vertical offset) is positive; the area measured below the zero reference is
negative. The area measured is the algebraic sum of the area of the whole
waveform within the screen.
Cycle Area
: The area of the first period of waveform on the screen and
the unit is voltage-second. The area above the zero reference (namely the
vertical offset) is positive and the area below the zero reference is negative.
The area measured is the algebraic sum of the area of the whole period
Note: When the waveform on the screen is less than a period, the period area
measured is 0.