.Menu Interpretation
Turn on or off channel power measurements.
Meas Setup
to enter the channel power measurement
parameter settings submenu. The channel power is used to
measure the transmitter channel power, according to the user set
the channel bandwidth, through the linear power integration
method to obtain the absolute value of the main channel power.
5.16.5 [OBW On Off]
Turn on or off the occupied bandwidth measurement.
Meas Setup
to enter the parameter setting submenu
for occupying the bandwidth measurement. Occupied Bandwidth is
a measure of the bandwidth occupied by the transmitter signal can
be measured from the total power ratio within the in-band power
span, with a default value of 99% (the user can set this value).
5.16.6 [Pass-Fail
Enter the pass / fail measuremen
t function sub
menu. Pass / fail
measurement has two modes of window measurement and limit
measurement. [Window Meas
Enter Window measurement submenu.
1) [Window Meas On Off]
Turn on or off window measurement mode.
2) [Limit Line On Off]
Turns the amplitude line on or off, and the amplitude line turns on
when the window measurement is on.
3) [Freq Line On Off]