Installation and initial operation
4. Installation and initial operation of the actuator
The actuator “AKTOR MH CON B (ENOCEAN)” fits all valves with connec-
tion thread M 30 x 1.5 and a closing dimension ≥ 11.0 mm. An adapter set
(item no. 1011445) for valves with connection thread M 30 x1 is available
from Oventrop. Keep a spanner (size 32) available for installation.
1. Remove the casing cover of the actuator by pushing down both release
tabs and removing the cover at the same time.
2. Insert two AA 1.5V Mignon batteries into the battery case (observe markings
+/-). A green flashing of both LEDs signalizes that the actuator is ready for
Casing Cover
Push down release tabs and remove cover
Wireless actuator
Insert batteries
3. Remove the mounted radiator thermostat by unscrewing it from the valve
(this can be done without draining the system).
4. Screw the actuator without casing cover (drive shaft in installation
position) to the radiator valve and tighten the collar nut with slight
Be careful when removing the thermostat and do not use
excessive force.
Wear safety gloves and goggles if required.
Risk of scalding due to an uncontrolled escape of hot
When removing the thermostatic head, the valve may inadvertently
be unscrewed from the radiator which may lead to an uncontrolled
escape of hot water from the radiator.