Outernet provides a unique service: filecasting. We send files over Inmarsat satellites, which
transmit radio waves in the L-Band frequency range. These waves are received by the radio on
the receiver, which turns them back into files, which are then stored on the receiver. In some
cases, the receiver emits a WiFi hotspot, allowing access to the saved files through a web browser.
There are 5 components required to build and operate a L-Band receiver:
L-Band Antenna
Software-defined Radio (SDR)
rxOS software on a Computer (C.H.I.P., Raspberry Pi 3, Linux, or Windows)
Power source
Optionally, a laptop running Windows 7/10 or Linux can be used to simply download files
All of the required components are included in
full DIY Receiver Kit with C.H.I.P. and
a battery. To see the specifications of these Kit components, see Appendix 6 (page 21). We also
sell components separately for those who wish to substitute our components with those that
meet the proper specifications.
For hobbyists and tinkers, the L-Band hardware can also be used for Inmarsat reception, including
SafetyNET, EGC, and AERO.