6. I FEEL button
Press this button to activate I FEEL function and the icon "
" will appear on remote control. Once this
function is settled, remote control sends the information about room temperature to the control panel
and will adjust automatically. Press again this button to cancel I FEEL function and the icon disappears.
Please put remote control near the user when this function is chosen. Do not put remote control near
something at high or low temperature in order to prevent false results.
Make sure to keep the minimum distance recommended between the remote control and the appliance.
The remote control must point at the indoor unit receiving window at all time so that the control signal is
received by the unit.
7. AIR button
This function is not available on models presented in this manual.
8. SLEEP button
SLEEP function is available in COOL (cooling), DRY (dehumidifier) and HEAT (heating) modes only. This
function permits to gradually increase room temperature of 4 °C in COOL mode and to lower it in HEAT
mode. You will then save energy without affecting your sleep. This function is settled over an 8-hour
period. After this period of time, the device will work on previous established parameters, as it was set
before SLEEP function was activated.
Press this button to activate SLEEP function and the icon "
" will appear on remote control. Press again
this button to cancel SLEEP function and the icon disappears.
9. TEMP button
When pushing this button, you can choose the temperature you wish to see on the indoor unit display:
set temperature, indoor room temperature or outdoor temperature.
• When
" " or “ no display” is displayed, the set temperature is shown.
• When
" " is displayed, indoor room temperature is shown.
• When
" is displayed, current outdoor temperature is shown.
Current outdoor temperature is not available on all models. In that case, the set temperature is shown.
10 and 12. TIMER ON button and TIMER OFF button
This timer function allows you to program the unit while determining when it starts and when it ends.
Before using this function, make sure your unit is set on the right time.
Setting the starting time of the device:
1. Press TIMER ON button.
2. Press " + " or " - " button in order to set the starting time.
3. Press again TIMER ON to confirm time.