1. WPA Configuration
WPA Enable
Enable WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) security feature for high grade
encryption and authentication
PSK Passphrase
Using the radial button, select the format type for your pass-phase. The
pass-phase can be entered in either ASCII or HEX format.
ASCII format must be a minimum of 8 characters to a maximum of
63 characters.
HEX format must be 64 characters long using standard HEX
Your pass-phase must match that of the AP's for proper communication
and authentication
WPA Multicast Cipher Type
The type of Cipher being used in multicast packet communication.
Currently only TKIP is supported.
WPA Pairwise Cipher Type
The type of cipher being used in unicast packet communication. Currently,
only TKIP is supported.
2. WEP Configuration
Enabled WEP:
This check box allows users to enable or disable WEP feature. While
WEP is disabled, all the other fields on this “Encryption” page are disabled
Default WEP Key to Use
Select the key to be used as the default key. Data transmissions are
always encrypted using the default key. The other keys can only be used
to decrypt received data.
Deny unencrypted data:
Check this field when the WEP is enabled to deny unencrypted data. This
feature enables the adapter to drop all unencrypted packets received.
Two options are available: “Open” and “Shared Key”. The radio station
must use the same authentication option as the Access Point in order to
establish active link. 'Open' allows the radio station to connect an access
point with open authentication process. 'Shared key' allows only stations
that know the key(s) to get authenticated by Access Point with the same
WEP key length:
ACR-201-G Technical Manual