2. Place button of lower Quick Fit Buckle into appropriate keyhole above
Buckle Stability Shelf
(Figure 2)
and close carefully using the palm of
the hand to snap the buckle closed. The button is color matched with
an identical blue color in the keyhole for intuitive strap selection.
3. Place button of upper Quick Fit Buckle into appropriate keyhole and
lose carefully using the palm of the hand. The button is color matched
with an identical yellow color in the keyhole for intuitive strap
4. Adjust thigh and calf strap tension and trim straps as needed.
5. Adjust positioning of flexion control shells on calf and thigh straps.
6. Insert pins into appropriate hole located on the straps
7. Attach the tibia strap to the main frame using the Twist-Fit
attachment in the recommended ventilation slot.
8. Place the hook tab on the posterior calf strap onto the main calf strap
close to the Quick Fit Buckle.
9. Repeat for the posterior thigh strap, ensure the hook tab is placed
close to the Quick Fit Buckle on the thigh.
10. Have patient bend leg at 45°and set both Cartilage Protection Straps
. Peel loose the sleeve hooks and adjust the strap tension
starting at the calf
(Figure 3)
. Both straps are adjusted correctly when
the entire strap has contact with the patient’s leg while not applying
any unloading force. If the brace is used with ROM restriction, do not
bend the knee beyond the prescribed restriction and adjust the
tension of both straps within the prescribed ROM restriction. In case
of any questions please contact your physician.
1. Open upper and lower Quick Fit Buckles.
2. Loosen both of the Cartilage Protection Straps to the
3. Place the brace on patient‘s leg. Align the center of hinge at mid
patella and midline of A/P.
4. Place button of lower Quick Fit Buckle into appropriate keyhole above
Buckle Stability Shelf
(Figure 2)
and close carefully using the palm of
the hand to snap the buckle closed.
5. Bend knee to an 80° angle with foot flat on the floor. If the brace is
used with ROM restriction, do not bend the knee beyond the
prescribed restriction.
6. Place button of upper Quick Fit Buckle into appropriate keyhole and
close carefully using the palm of the hand.
7. Turn both dosing dials clockwise to tighten the Cartilage Protection
Strap to prescribed position
(Figure 4)
. Practitioner will need to
determine optimum unloading based on patient's pain relief
feedback. The strap tension should be set to provide optimal pain
relief once the dosing dial is set to the setting of
8. Fully extend leg in a sitting position and make sure that brace is still
aligned correctly on leg
(Figure 5)
. If the brace is used with extension
restriction, do not bend the knee beyond the prescribed restriction
and adjust the tension of both straps within the prescribed ROM
restriction. In case of any questions please contact your physician.
9. If the Cartilage Protection Strap has been pulled to its maximum and
patient requires more pain relief, both straps may require shortening
at the lower and upper Quick Fit Buckles.
10. Tamper proof keyhole locks may be inserted into calf and thigh shells
if desired to ensure straps cannot accidentally be disengaged from
(Figure 6)