TSL2521 ALS/Flicker
Application Note
• v1-01 • 2022-Jan-27
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TSL2521 offers new ALS and Flicker measurement features on a very small space of 2.0 mm x
1.0 mm x 0.5 mm compared to legacy devices. ALS and flicker are running on the same time base,
the FIFO is larger, it has some data compression features, and measurements can be planned in
sequences with individual settings. Additionally, a new residual measurement feature offers higher
resolution at lower gain.
These new features
– especially regarding timing and sequences – require registers different than on
legacy ALS devices like TCS3707
– consequently the registers have now different names.
This document explains the settings for ALS measurements compared to legacy ALS devices, e.g. the
TCS3707 and shows the new relation between ALS and Flicker measurements.