TSL2521 ALS/Flicker
TSL2521 ALS and Flicker Settings
Application Note
• v1-01 • 2022-Jan-27
│ 12
mod_calib_nth_iteration_agc_enable in register
. Please note that this bit is not
enabled by default but has to be enabled to use one or both of the AGC methods.
The same mode_calib_nth_iteration setting is used for the Autozero as well. Since the ALS
Autozero procedure can take a longer time it might be necessary to disable the bit
mod_calib_nth_iteration_az_enable in register
after the first measurement. For
this purpose a single measurement can be done after startup either by setting
mode_calib_nth_iteration to 1 and setting the bit stop_after_nth_iteration in register
or just by stopping the measurement after getting the first result. After that Autozero can be disabled
by clearing bit mod_calib_nth_iteration_az_enable.
Wait Time
Related to ALS measurement on legacy ALS devices like TCS3707 was the Wait time that defined the
sample rate of the ALS measurement
– and therefore had to be higher than the set ALS integration
time. The way to activate this WTIME was to set the enable Bit WEN in the ENABLE register.
is present on TSL2521 as well, but there is no WEN necessary anymore. Instead, there is the
additional bit field mod_trigger_timing in register
that either switches off the Wait
time or defines the time base multiplicator for
Additionally, the Wait time needs to be activated for each sequencer step individually in bit field
measurement_sequencer_wait_pattern in register
As for all sequencer pattern registers on TSL2521 the default value is the right one if only sequence
step 0 is used.
Please note that on TSL2521 the Wait time needs to be higher than both the ALS integration time
and the Flicker measurement time to have an effect.