Programming the SMLC
CoDeSys - Importing functions and code
CoDeSys has the ability to import and
export code, anywhere from a single
variable to an entire project.
We’ll use this feature to import some useful
functions so we don’t have to type them in.
Go to the Project | Import menu and import
the file UtilityFunctions.exp. This file should
be available on the ORMEC web site or it
may be found on the CDS-SDK CD-ROM.
We can see the Import has given us
several useful functions, including
EnableAxis and JogAxis.
We’ll use EnableAxis to enable our motors
and JogAxis to make the motors move.
Another way to access external code is via a library. The difference between
importing code and using a library is that imported code gives you access to the
source while a library does not.