IG-150-EN version 04; 03/10/16
General description
General instructions
1. General description
The ekor.rps units are multifunctional protection relays
of numerical technology, and they constitute the basic
element of protection, measurement and control for
cogeneration facilities or for HV/MV electrical bays. They
can be used as autonomous elements of protection, control
and measurement of an electric bay, or integrated within an
integrated protection and control system.
Inside the family different models exist that differ to each
other for some hardware aspect or for their functionality.
The Firmware is common for all the models; the available
functions for the user in each model are defined in a circuit
of programmable logic (PLD). The Firmware is chargeable in
the equipment through the serial port, what facilitates the
versions updating.
1.1. Scope of the manual
This manual does not fit a certain ekor.rps model, it fits the
whole options (for FW version equal or newer than W). For
each specific model only the physical characteristics and
functions of the model are applied. The manual consists of
two volumes: The first contains the information regarding
configuration, functions etc. and the second contains the
following appendixes: Curves for the operation of the timed
functions, communication protocols, keyboard/display menu
structure, etc.
Anyway, each unit is provided with a resumed “characteristics
sheet”, which describes the functions of the specific model
and its interconnections diagram.
1.2. Functions
1. Protection
Standard functions
a. Three phase overcurrent protection (3 x 50/51, with two
instantaneous levels)
b. Neutral overcurrent protection (50N/51N, with two
instantaneous levels)
c. Phase current unbalance protection (46)
d. Broken conductor protection (46 BC)
e. Breaker monitoring
f. Close and trip circuit monitoring
g. Breaker failure
h. 2
harmonic restraint
Functions depending on model
a. Sensitive neutral overcurrent (50NS/51NS)
b. Directionality for the phase overcurrent (3 x 67)
c. Directionality for the neutral overcurrent (67N)
d. Isolated neutral directional (67IN)
e. Second directional overcurrent unit (67, 67N), independent
of the first unit
f. Voltage controlled overcurrent (50/51 V), cold load
pickup, high current lockout
g. Special functions (zones, pilot protection, negative
sequence directional, etc.)
h. Phase voltage protection: Overvoltage (3 x 59), undervoltage
(3 x 27), unbalance (47)
i. Zero sequence overvoltage protection (59N, 64)
j. Frequency protection: Maximum (81 M), minimum (81 m),
df/dt (81 R)
k. Power protection (32): Maximum, minimum, reverse
l. Fuse failure surveillance
m. Thermal image (49)
n. Fault locator
o. Field loss
2. Automatisms
Functions depending on model
a. Three-phase recloser (overcurrent trips)
b. Recloser for single-phase overcurrent trips
c. Recloser for restoration after frequency trips
d. Syncrocheck
e. Special automatisms for distribution substations (slack
springs, voltage presence)
3. Measurements
a. Phase and neutral current measurement (optional:
Sensitive neutral)
b. Simple and compound voltage measurement
c. Active, reactive and apparent power measurement
d. Active and reactive energy measurement
e. Power factor measurement
f. Current maximeter
g. Negative sequence measurement (I
) in %
Содержание ekor.rps
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