IG-150-EN version 04; 03/10/16
General instructions
Unit configuration
3.5.3. Ethernet communication
It is only used in models with an Ethernet port.
To configure the Ethernet port, the first parameter to
be configured is the one corresponding to the TCP/IP
communication selection. It is configured from the
keypad/display, in “CHANGE SETTINGS”, “PROG.TABLE 0”,
options are: PROCOME, com. Horizontal and No. The operation
is as follows:
1. PROCOME: The Ethernet port communicates with the
PROCOME protocol. In this case, the PROCOME protocol
cannot be selected from the other rear port (“COM 2”).
In summary, the Ethernet port communicates with the
PROCOME protocole, whereas the second rear port (if
available) communicates with the protocol selected,
except with PROCOME.
2. Horizontal communication: The Ethernet port
allows communication between several protection
relays, according to their configuration. Each relay can
communicate with another two relays by sending 8
different programmable signals to each one of them.
These programmable signals can be selected out of any
equipment’s signals and receive 8 signals from each of
the relays used for the communication programming.
The relay takes the signals as its own. These signals
are “signal i relay 1 or 2” where i goes from 1 to 8. The
necessary parameters to configure the horizontal
communication are the following (they can only
be accessed with a console, in the “Communication
between relays” screen, within “General”):
Protection IP address.
Indicates the protection IP address
(server equipment). It is 32 bits, in decimal numbers
separated by dots.
Relay 1 IP address (identifier)
. Indicates the IP address of
protection 1 it wants to communicate with. It is 32 bits,
in decimal numbers separated by dots. If the IP address is
programmed as, there is no communication with
relay 1.
Signals to transmit relay 1
. They are the signals to be
sent to relay 1 (the one with the protection IP address
programmed in the previous parameter).
Relay 2 IP address (identifier)
. Indicates the IP address of
protection 2 it wants to communicate with. It is 32 bits,
in decimal numbers separated by dots. If the IP address is
programmed as, there is no communication with
relay 2.
Signals to transmit relay 2
. They are the signals to be
sent to relay 2 (the one with the protection IP address
programmed in the previous parameter).
The operation is as follows: Each relay communicates with
the other two, sending the status of the programmed
signals every 10 ms; if a change in the programmed signals
is detected, it sends the status every 10 ms. If during 40 ms;
no communication is received from relay 1 or 2 an error
signal is generated with the corresponding relay.
The signals received from relay 1 and relay 2 arrive at
the control signals “Signal i relay 1” and “Signal i relay 2”,
where i goes from 1 to 8. These signals can be treated as
the equipment’s own signals, which means that logics can
be made with them, they can be sent to the outputs, etc.
3. NO. It does not communicate with the Ethernet
port. In this case, the second rear port (if available)
communicates with the selected protocol, allowing
The other Ethernet port configuration parameters are
configured with the Sipcon console, in the “TCP/IP
configuration” menu. These parameters are:
Protection IP address
. Indicates the protection IP address
(server equipment). It is 32 bits, in decimal numbers
separated by dots.
Subnetwork Mask
. Determines the part of the IP address
which identifies the network. It is 32 bits, in decimal
numbers separated by dots. Any IP addresses not meeting
the subnetwork mask, this is with a subnetwork mask part
different than “1”, are not considered part of the network
and are not handled. For instance, the mask 255 255 255 000
allows 256 server addresses sharing the first 3 address
Indicates the IP address of the servers, which are
not part of the local network, where the messages are sent.
It is the IP address of the equipment that performs the
network router functions.
Nr. connections.
Set to 1.
Master IP address.
Indicates the PC address (client equipment).
Indicates the port the master equipment connects to.
UCL address.
It is the protection address to which the
protocol responds.
Содержание ekor.rps
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