Table of Contents
1. General introduction
page 1
2. How the ventilation system works
page 2
3. Operating the system
page 2
4. Maintenance
page 6
5. Guarantee
page 8
1. General introduction
Orcon exceptional indoor climate?
Our objective is to offer occupants an exceptional indoor
climate which is as comfortable and healthy as possible,
where people can feel at ease and function at their best.
With this aim, we have grown into a leading supplier of
ventilation systems for residential and nonresidential
The importance of good ventilation
MVS stands for Mechanical Ventilation System
The system can operate fully automatically, and it saves
energy and money. As an additional benefit, it is good for
your health! You need approximately 25 m
of fresh air
per hour, so good ventilation is simply a must. Without
good ventilation, a home becomes damp and musty. This
attracts mould and house dust mites. Poor ventilation
means damp patches in walls and ceilings are a certainty,
as well as health problems such as headaches, allergies
and respiratory irritations.
We are, of course, outlining an extreme situation, but there
are excellent reasons why good ventilation systems are
compulsory in new houses. You and your home need fresh
air! Opening a window for a bit is not enough. The moment
you close the window, the fresh air disappears.
Houses are increasingly well insulated. However you look
at it, this is a positive development, because it saves a lot
of energy and money. Unfortunately, good insulation does
reduce the refreshment of air in your home, because in an
airtight house air cannot from pass from the outside to
the inside, or vice versa. And that is not a good develop-
ment at all, because you and your home need fresh air.
There is a lot of moisture in a house, and its occupants
also produce moisture. Without proper ventilation, humi-
dity and stale air remain contained, with bacteria and