Using your telescope:
This telescope is our best selling telescope and has been sold hundredfold
worldwide. It even served as demonstration telescope on various astronomy
Astronomy is a great hobby, which nevertheless requires a certain
knowledge about the topic.
Do not try and use your telescope by aiming through a window. Take it
always outside. If you are inside and the window is closed, glass will
introduce reflections und distortions. If the window is open the moving air
currents of different temperatures will cause distortions.
Let your telescope adjust to the outside temperature. Your telescope will
perform much better if the lenses and the air inside the tube are all the
same temperature as the outside air. This process may take up to 1/2 hour
if the temperature difference between inside and outside is extreme.
Try to find a location that is away from glaring lights. If you are in a large
town or city you may want to try and find location in the country. Using a
telescope in the skyglow of a town or city can cut its ability by half.