M A S C H I N E N - G E R M A N Y
Version 1.0 dated 2015-05-27
Page 188
Original operating instructions
All contractual products and technical knowledge are delivered by Optimum Maschinen Ger-
many GmbH in accordance with the currently applicable AWG/AWV/EC Dual-Use regulation
as well as the US export regulations and are intended to be used and to remain in the delivery
country, which had been agreed with the customer. If customers intend to re-export contractual
products, they are obliged to comply with US, European and national export regulations. It is
forbidden to re-export contract products contrary to these regulations.
Customers are required to obtain information regarding the currently applicable regulations and
provision (Office for Export, 65760 Eschborn/Taunus or US Department of Commerce, Office of
Export Administration, Washington D. C. 20230). Regardless of whether the customer speci-
fies the place of destination of the delivered contractual products, the customer shall be solely
responsible for obtaining any and all necessary permits from the respective appropriate foreign
trade authority before it exports such goods Optimum Maschinen Germany GmbH is not
obliged to supply any information and does not grant any warranty as to whether the contrac-
tual products comply with the corresponding export regulations. The customer is not entitled to
requesting that Optimum Maschinen Germany GmbH adapt the contractual products to the cor-
responding export regulations.
Any further delivery of contractual products to the customer by third parties with or without
knowledge of Optimum Maschinen Germany GmbH shall at the same time require the transfer
of the export license conditions. The customer shall be completely liable in case of non-observ-
ance of the relevant conditions.
Without previous official approval, the customer is not allowed to deliver contractual products
directly or indirectly to countries, which are subject to an US embargo or to deliver to any natu-
ral or juridical persons in such countries, including natural or juridical persons, who are listed on
the US American, European or national Indexes (e.g.: "Specifically Designated Nationals and
Blocked Persons", "Entity List'V' Denied Persons List"). Moreover, contractual products must
not be supplied to natural or juridical persons who are in any way involved in the support, devel-
opment, production or use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons of mass destruction.