User’s Manual
File Path
In <File Path> tab, users can specify destination folder(s) for recorded videos.
The preset folder is \VSS\Record\. Then users can choose whether to enable
circular recording.
Select Destination Folders
The number of selectable folders equals to the number of HDDs the PC
connects to, excluding HDDs with capacity less than 2GB. Check the box in
front of “Enable” and click on <Browse> to select more destination folders.
Each folder should be from different HDD or an error message will be
displayed. Note that if a HDD with less than 2GB capacity is selected, an error
message will also be shown. Click on <Clear All> will delete all folders except
the first preset folder.
In each folder, subfolders will automatically be created with folder name
“RecordFolder********”, which ******** represents an 8-digit serial number.
Each subfolder can store up to 500 videos. Once a subfolder is full, a new
subfolder with a subsequent number will be created and new files will be
stored to the new subfolder.