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– Limited Distribution
If the asphalt layer is <10 cm (<4 in), a 23 cm (9 in) burial depth is acceptable unless
clay is present, then that would need to be factored in. Work with a Fiber SenSys
Support Representative to determine the best method when installing TDSC.
If the asphalt layer is >10 cm (>4 in), reduce the burial depth equally every additional
inch up to 16.5 cm (6.5 in). For example, 12.7 cm (5 in) top cover in asphalt would
require 20.3 cm (8 in) burial depth, 2.5 cm (1 in) additional asphalt reducing the total
burial depth by 2.5 cm (1 in). If clay is present, then that would need to be compensated
for. Work with a Fiber SenSys Support Representative to determine the best method
when installing TDSC.
If the asphalt layer is >16.5 cm (>6.5 in), the concrete installation procedure may need to
be utilized. Work with a Fiber SenSys Support Representative in all cases where asphalt
greater than 16.5 cm (6.5 in) to verify appropriate TDSC installation prior to deployment.
Figure 20. Asphalt Cut Total 23 cm (9 in) depth Asphalt to Soil transition maintain 23 cm (9 in) depth
Crushed Stone
When installing in a crushed stone application, also referred to as gravel or basalt, there are
some subtle differences between soil and asphalt. For a topping that is 10 cm (4 in) or less,
use the standard soil guidelines and burial depths.
If the crushed stone layer is <10 cm (<4 in), a 23 cm (9 in) burial depth is acceptable
unless clay is present, then that would need to be factored in. Work with a Fiber SenSys
Support Representative to determine the best method when installing TDSC.