Biopel line
– RT10 room regulator
Set temperature - press this icon to change the value of your required furnace temperature (you can
also do this by clicking on the parameters view from the start screen).
Lighting up
– press this icon to start the process of firing up the furnace.
– press this icon to start the process of shutting off the furnace.
Operation mode - press this icon to easily change the pumps operations mode (in furnace
controller) with the following options available: Home heating, furnace priority, Pumps in parallel and
Summer mode. A detailed description of the operation modes can be found in the instructions manual
of the furnace controller.
Daily furnace operation - press this icon to set a daily schedule for the furnace:
◦ Temporary operation - select this icon to run the furnace at scheduled times
◦ Continuous operation - select this icon to run the furnace in continuous mode
◦ Settings - press this icon to program the operation of the furnace in details: