Biopel line – CS-65 GSM modul user manual
Modul has to be connected to RS output which is located on the Connection board of Biopel boiler.
After connecting the modul by communication cable you have to activate it in controller installer menu.
Go to the menu of control unit v8, select Plumber settings, GSM module and than Activated.
After correct connection with controller a valid parameters are received. These parameters may be
sent back by the module, upon request, in the formo f an sms message to the user. The sms is sent to
any authorised phone number.
After sending the authorisation pin to the module phone number, data with controller working
parameters will be sent back.
The quantity and type of sent data depend on settings and operation mode of the controller. Particular
parameters are displayed in a new line, the phrases are separated with spaces (the ordinal number is
always separated by space from the set one).
To change the setting of boiler temperatures using a mobile phone, sen dan sms message to the
module phone number with the following content:
Pin authorisation
space no.
Space value ;
Namely: 9999 1 65; 2 60;
This command (if authorisation pin is set to 9999) will change the set CH temperat
ure to 65°C and set
HWT to 60°C.