background image




Step 1:



Mark out the middle point on the 

wooden cube(1) mark out 2mm from 

the centre as shown. On each mark 

drill a 1mm dia hole ( See detail)


Step 2:


Colour the table tennis ball ( 6)  black 

using acylic paint or an Edding marker 

Repeat this 2-3 times so that later no 

light can show through! Leave the  

black to dry well or use a hair dryer 

Step 3:


Take the ball and carefully drill a 5 mm 


Note: use a holemaker to start with !

Step 4:


Use a hole maker to make theholes all 

over the table tennis ball (1mm dia) 

Keep the holes ca 5mm apart 

Step 5:


Take the welding rods (2) shorten 

them or leave them as they are. Solder 

one welding rod to each leg on the 

LED (3) See detail 

Step 6:


Insert the welding rod and LED in the 

wooden block ( 1mm holes )

Step 7:



Cut from the nylon a ca 60mm piece. 

The length of these nylon pieces can 

vary. The amount depends on the 

holes in the tennis ball. 

Note: the lengths of the nylon de-

pends on the amount of holes in  the 

ball and the total length of nylon 

Step 8:



Insert these nylon pieces through the 

holes in the tennis ball 

( Use pliers to help ) 

Step 9:



Place the ball with the nylon pieces on 

to the LED (3) . Place the button cell  

in between the welding rods. Take 

care the polarity is correct!
