D210P/DE210P on DAHDI User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
1.2 What is D210P/DE210P
The DE210P is a D210P with an EC module and they support E1, T1 and
J1 mode. It is selectable on a per-card or per-port basis. This feature
enables signaling translation between E1 and T1 equipments and allows
inexpensive T1 channel banks to connect with E1 circuits.
D210P supports industry standard telephony and data protocols, including
Primary Rate ISDN (both N. American and Standard Euro) protocol
families for voice, PPP, Cisco, HDLC, and Frame Relay data modes. Both
line-side and trunk-side interfaces are supported.
D210P works with Asterisk
, Elastix
, PBX in a Flash,
, Yate
and IPPBX/IVR projects as well as other Open Source
and proprietary PBX, Switch, IVR, and VoIP gateway applications.
Target Applications
Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Services
Complex IVR Trees
"Meet-Me" Bridge Conferencing
Calling Card Platforms
VoIP Gateways (support SIP, H.323, and IAX)
Legacy PBX/IVR Services
Voice/Data Router (replace expensive routers)
PRI/Switch Compatibility - Network or CPE