D210P/DE210P on DAHDI User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
2.3 Slot compatibility
D210P/DE210P is compatible with 32-bit 5.0V PCI slot, 64-bit 3.3V PCI
slot or 64-bit 5.0V PCI slot except PCI-E slots; you should confirm your
slot type and insert D210P/DE210P into any type of PCI slot as
previously described.
64-bit 5.0V PCI slot
64-bit 3.3V PCI slot
32-bit 5.0V PCI slot
1 slot
Figure 2 PCI-E and PCI slots
2.4 Timing cable
If you have just one card in the system, all channels on that card have
already run under the same clock source, so timing cable is unnecessary.
But if there are more than one card, using timing cable has some
advantages. Before using the clock line, each card works on its own
clock, therefore precision of the clock is limited; each card will send
/receive voice data at different speeds. In voice usage, this small issue can
be omitted, but in data communication such as Fax/Modem, it will cause