Chapter 3: Using the HOBO U30 Station
HOBO U30 Remote Monitoring System User’s Guide
Connecting to HOBOware Pro
To connect to HOBOware Pro, plug the USB cable into the USB port on the
HOBO U30 Station. Connect the other end to the USB port in your
computer. If the HOBO U30 Station is currently connected to HOBOlink,
you may have to wait while it completes the connection.
Figure 21: USB port
Important: If the USB cable is connected to the HOBO U30 Station at
power up, it will not make an immediate connection to This allows you to use HOBOware Pro without
requiring you to override a connection to If a
connection with the HOBO U30 Station is not initiated by
HOBOware Pro within 10 minutes, it will attempt to connect to automatically.
Plug the USB
cable in this
Chapter 3: Using the HOBO U30 Station
HOBO U30 Remote Monitoring System User’s Guide
Configuring the Analog Sensor Port
The Analog Sensor Port is an easy-to-configure, flexible DC signal-
conditioning option that can be factory-installed in the HOBO U30 Station.
This two-channel port can accept, and provide excitation power to, a wide
range of Onset and third-party sensors with 0–20 V or 0–20 mA output,
including devices with 4–20 mA current loop interface, and sensors with 0–
2.5, 0–5, and 0–10 V DC output.
Note: If your HOBO U30 Station does not have an Analog Sensor Port and
you wish to upgrade to one, contact Onset Computer Corporation for
The Analog Sensor Port features input protection and signal filtering, as well
as delta-sigma A/D conversion and factory calibration. This port features
extremely low power operation, resulting in long battery life for unattended
data logging applications. Precision electronics provide ±0.25% accuracy
from 50 mV to full scale (FS).
Sensors connected to this Analog Sensor Port can be configured in
HOBOware Pro software. Configuration options include channel names,
scaling parameters, and excitation power.
Functional block diagram