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ONLINE USV-Syteme AG (ONLINE) guarantees that this product will
be free of material and production faults for a period of two years from
the purchase date. ONLINE’s obligation in accordance with this guar-
antee is restricted to the repair or replacement (at
ONLINE’s discre-
tion) of any faulty products. Before warranty claims can be asserted,
a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained
from customer services. Products must be returned with the postage
paid by the sender, a brief description of the problem and evidence of
the place and date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to de-
vices damaged by accidents, negligence or misuse or those which
have otherwise been altered or modified.
Apart from the above exceptions, ONLINE accepts no explicit or tacit
warranty, including a guarantee of conventional quality or suitability for
a specific purpose. In some jurisdictions, the restriction or exclusion of
tacit guarantees is prohibited, which means that the restrictions or ex-
clusions above may not apply to the purchaser.
Irrespective of the above exclusions, ONLINE shall under no circum-
stances accept liability for direct, indirect, specific, auxiliary or subse-
quent damage caused as a result of the use of this product, even if
ONLINE was informed about the possibility of such damage. In partic-
ular, ONLINE shall not be liable for costs of whatsoever nature, such
as lost profit or revenue, loss of equipment, loss of the use of device,
loss of software or data, replacement costs, third-party claims or other
The content is copyright © 2017 by ONLINE USV-Systeme AG. All
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permitted without consent.