F-2200 Series Vortex Flow Meter Installation and Operation Guide • Revised 12/08
This meter was calibrated at the factory before shipment. To ensure correct use of the meter, please read
this manual thoroughly.
Regarding This Manual:
This manual should be passed on to the end user.
Before use, read this manual thoroughly to comprehend its contents.
The contents of this manual may be changed without prior notice.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without
ONICON’s written permission.
ONICON makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not
limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and suitability for a particular purpose.
All reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual.
However, if any errors are found, please inform ONICON.
ONICON assumes no responsibilities for this product except as stated in the warranty.
If the customer or any third party is harmed by the use of this product, ONICON assumes no
responsibility for any such harm owing to any defects in the product which were not
predictable, or for any indirect damages.
Safety Precautions:
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of installation,
operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with
specifi c WARNINGS given elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture,
and intended use of the product. ONICON Incorporated assumes no liability for the customer’s
failure to comply with these requirements. If this product is used in a manner not specifi ed in this
manual, the protection provided by this product may be impaired.
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Messages identifi ed as WARNING contain information regarding the personal safety of individuals
involved in the istallation, operation or service of theis product.
Messages identifi ed as CAUTION contain information regarding the potential damage to the product
or other ancillary products.
Messages identifi ed as IMPORTANT NOTICE contain information critical to the proper operation of
the product.