5-2 Control Procedures for Each Communication
5-2-1-3 Single Repeat Mode: ISO Mode
The Reader/Writer waits for a Tag to enter the R/W Antenna’s communications area. Every
time a Tag enters the communications area, the Reader/Writer communicates with the Tag and
returns a response. It is not until communications are stopped by the Stop(ST) or Reset(XZ)
command that the Reader/Writer accepts the next command.
Operation in I.CODE1 mode
Do not operate the function in I.CODE1 mode. If a function equivalent to ISO mode, i.e., a function that
always returns a response, is required for the area confirmation and other purposes, a single command (Tag
code = 0) by Fast Read Access should be used.
(If the function is executed in I.CODE1 mode, the Reader/Writer will perform the process only once at the Tag’s
entry to the communication area and return a response. Multiple Tags in the communication area may result in a
response with abnormal read data).
Receives a response (Tag 1)
Receives a response (Tag 1)
Waits for a Tag to approach
(4) The Reader/Writer continues
communicating with the Tag while the
Tag is in the communication area, and
(1) The Reader/Writer receives a command.
Single Trigger Command
Tag detection
Tag detection n
Waits for a Tag to approach
(3) When a Tag approaches the Reader/Writer, it
with the Tag and returns a response.
(2) The Reader/Writer launches the
communication with a Tag, and waits for a
Tag 1
Tag detection
Tag 2
Receives a response (Tag 2)
Waits for a Tag to approach
(5) After the Tag in the communication
area has been cleared, the Reader/Writer
(6) When the next Tag approaches the
communication area, the Reader/Writer
(7) The Reader/Writer repeats the
performance until the operation is
(1)The Reader/ Writer receives a command
(2)The Reader/Writer launchesthe
communication with a Tag, and waits for
a Tag to approach.
(3) When a Tag approaches the Reader/Writer,
it with the Tag and returns a response.
(4)The Reader/Writer continues communicating
with the Tag while the Tag is in the communication
area, and returns a response.
(5) After the Tag in the communication
area has been cleared, the Reader/Writer
waits for the next Tag to approach.
(6) When the next Tag approaches the
communication area, the Reader/Writer
once again communicates with the Tag
and returns a response.
(7) The Reader/Writer repeats the performance
until the operation is terminated by the Stop
Command (ST).