No. 17S142-00
Product specifications and User’s guide
The white balance settings are adjustable. These settings can be change each DSP preset.
White Balance
1) White balance mode
“Manual” or “Auto (AWB)” white balance is selectable for White balance mode.
a) Manual
The camera operates with manual white balance.
b) Auto (AWB)
The camera operates with auto white balance.
2) Pull-in limit in auto white balance mode
“Enable” or “Disable” is selectable for Pull-in limit in auto white balance mode.
When selecting “Enable”, pull-in gain (R, B gain) is limited for auto white balance operation.
3) Push Lock
Executes push to set white balance then save white balance mode and gain into EEPROM.
4) White balance R gain
Sets R gain for manual white balance operation.
5) White balance G gain
Sets G gain for white balance.
6) White balance B gain
Sets B gain for manual white balance operation.
7) AWB integration-frame number
AWB processing speed (frame).
8) AWB rapid control frame number
Sets number of frames for AWB rapid control when power on camera or change “Resolution / Framer rate”.
AWB processing speed (AWB integration-frame number) is disregard within this frames.