No. 17S142-00
Product specifications and User’s guide
Command details
The format for writing data to IC on camera
Sending data
02, 4A, [DataLenH] + 80, [DataLenL], [SLV], [START_H], [START_L], [END_H], [END_L],
[DATA (START)], [DATA (START + 1)], …, [DATA (END)], [CHK], 03
[CHK] = Lower 8bits of “4A + ([DataLenH] +80) + [DataLenL] + [SLV] + [START_H] + [START_L] +
[END_H] + [END_L] + [DATA (START)] + [DATA (START + 1)] + … + [DATA (END)]”
Receiving data
02, 4A, [DataLenH], [DataLenL], [SLV], [START_H], [START_L], [END_H], [END_L], [DATA (START)],
[DATA (START + 1)], …, [DATA (END)], [CHK], 03
[CHK] = Lower 8bits of “4A + [DataLenH] + [DataLenL] + [SLV] + [START_H] + [START_L] + [END_H] +
[END_L] + [DATA (START)] + [DATA(START + 1)] + … + [DATA(END)]”
e.g. Sending data to write “23” to address 0010 of IC (Slave address: 21[h])
(02, 4A, 80, 06, 21, 00, 10, 00, 10, 23, 34, 03)
This command to send OSCD (On Screen Character Display) command to camera.
Up to 32 bytes OSCD command can be send at once.
In order to generate OSCD, sets “50” at “Command”,“OSCD command” at “Data” and
“number of byets of OSCD command” at “Data length”.
Please refer “OSCD (On Screen Character Display) command” for more details.
e.g. Sending command to display “0123” on third low of first column.
(02, 50, 80, 0A 08, 92, 18, 38, DC, 10, 11, 12, 13, FF, E5, 03)