C200H/C1000H/C2000H CPU Unit-mounted Type: C120-LK201-EV
Setting the Rear Switches
Unit #, parity, and transfer code
(DIP SW1-1 to SW1-5)
Set SW1-1 to SW1-5 to OFF (0).
* Parity is fixed at Even Parity. Transfer code
is fixed at ASCII 7 data bits and 2 stop bits.
Communications speed (DIP SW2-1 to SW2-4)
Set these switches to 0010 to select 19200 bps.
Set these switches to 1010 to select 9600 bps.
(0: OFF 1: ON)
1-to-1/1-to-N selection (DIP SW2-6)
Set SW2-6 to OFF (0) (1-to-N).
Command level (DIP SW2-7, SW2-8)
Set these switches to ON (1).
(Levels 1, 2, and 3 are enabled.)
CTS selection (DIP SW3-1 and SW3-2)
Set SW3-1 to ON (1), and SW3-2 to OFF (0).
(Set this always to 0V.)
Synchronization (DIP SW3-3 to SW3-6)
Set SW3-3 and SW3-5 to ON (1), and
SW3-4 and SW3-6 to OFF (0). (Set these to Internal.)
Connecting to a CVM1/CV Series Host Link Unit
CVM1/CV-series Rack-mounted type: CV500-LK201
A CVM1/CV series host link unit (CV500-LK201) has two connectors (communications ports 1
and 2). Either of these ports can be used for connection to an NS-series PT by the RS-232C
method. However, since the connectors at these ports are of different types,
a cable that matches the connector must be prepared.
Communications port 1
Communications port 1 is a 25-pin connector for RS-232C use only.
Communications port 2
Communications port 2 is a 9-pin connector which allows selection of the RS-232C or
RS-422A method. When this port is used with the RS-232C method, the I/O port selector
switch on the front of the unit must be set to RS-232C (the upper position).
CPU Bus Unit Settings
When connecting to a CVM1/CV series host link unit, set the following communications
conditions for the CPU Bus Unit settings.
Setting at Host
Communications speed
Set the same baud rate as set at the NS-series PT (See note 1.)
Transfer code
ASCII, 7 data bits, 2 stop bits
Parity Even
1-to-1, 1-to-N
1-to-N (See note 2.)
Command level
Level 1, 2, 3
Note 1: Set the Host Link communications speed (baud rate) to 9600 bps or 19200 bps with
the Communications Setting menu item in the CX-Designer and the System Menu
for the NS-series PT. For details, refer to
1-4 Settings for Host Link
2: The 1-to-N setting enables using a BCC (Block Check Character). It is not actually
possible to connect more than one NS-series PT in a single Host Link.