00021910.DOC, Version 1.2
Occupation jack plug:
Unbalanced use of
mono 1/4" jack plugs
Tip =
Signal (+)
Sleeve =
Ground / Shield
Strain relief clamp
Balanced use of
Tip =
hot (+)
Sleeve =
Ground / Shield
Strain relief clamp
stereo 1/4" jack plugs
Ring =
cold (-)
For connection of balanced and
unbalanced plugs, ring and sleeve have
to be bridged at the stereo plug.
7.2 Outputs
Top speakers
Connect the top speakers to the speaker connectors of the subwoofer. For locking the connection turn the
plug to the right. For unlocking pull the unlock button and turn the plug to the left and pull it out of the socket.
Connection Speaker socket
Output MIX OUT
The mixed output signal is available at the RCA outputs MIX OUT. This output allows to connect the line
input of e.g. mixer, amplifier or another active speaker system.
7.3 Information on installing audio cables
• Always treat cables carefully and protect them from damages during transportation.
• Install cables always in a structured way and protect them from damage.
• Cables must be installed in a way that no person can stumble over them. Always fix cables with an
appropriate tape.
• Cables should be installed directly (no loops, S-shaped overlengths).
• Always install cables far away from power cables (never closely parallel).
• Never put heavy objects like speaker systems, flightcases etc. on cables.
• Never operate cables wound up.