The voltage on the Analog Output pin on the REC2 will correspond to the
value of this sensor.
This setting is to indicate the number of seconds you want the REC2 to wait
before displaying a NO SIGNAL message on the display.
Process Units:
Choose the units which will be used to set the limits of the analog output
Custom Units:
A custom unit type can be entered here.
Alarm Activation Mode:
This will set the alarm to activate on the rising or falling temperature when
your setpoint is reached.
Alarm Setpoint:
Set the setpoint (in degrees F) that you want the alarm to activate at.
Alarm Deadband:
The number of units away from the Alarm Setpoint before the alarm will be
activated again.
Decimal Places:
Number of decimal places in the Alarm Setpoint and Alarm Deadband values.
Enter one value, in Process Units, that will set the analog output to its
minimum value (such as 0 V) and another value, in Process Units, that will set
the analog output to its maximum value (such as 10 V).
The configuration window for the UWTC-REC4 features a tabbed interface
that allows the user to configure all of the relevant settings described for the
UWTC-REC2 for each of the four analog output channels.
5.1.2 Setting Values:
To set these values, launch TC Central (Start | Programs | TC Central) and
then select Configure Receiver from the Tools menu. The following figures
show what the configuration screen will look like, based on the version of your
Receiver Operation