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Sensing Device Setup
The sensing device setup will vary for the smart probe and thermocouple variants of the iServer 2.
M12 Omega Link Smart Probes Models
Thermocouple Model
Refer to either the section titled 4.1 M12 Omega Link Smart Probe or 4.2 Thermocouple Connection to
complete the sensing device setup.
M12 Omega Link Smart Probe Connection
The iS2-THB-B, iS2-THB-ST, and iS2-THB-DP can accept an Omega Link Smart Probe through an
M12 connector. Begin by plugging in the Smart Probe either directly to the iServer 2 unit or with a
compatible M12 8-pin extension cable.
Figure 3: iServer 2 unit with M12 Smart Probe Connector
Figure 4: M12 8-Pin female
connector iServer 2 front view
It is recommended that users access the digital I/O provided by the iServer 2
instead of the connected
Smart Probe
. Using the digital I/O of the
Smart Probe
may cause device operation errors. See the following section titled 4.3 Digital I/O
and Relays
Pin 1 I2C-2_SCL
Pin 2 Interrupt Signal
Pin 3 I2C-1_SCL
Pin 4 I2C-1_SDA
Pin 5 Shield Ground
Pin 6 I2C-2_SDA
Pin 7 Power Ground
Pin 8 Power Supply