for safety to insure that even with a “0” reading that pressure is
being applied to the gauge.
Function Lock
: Access to each of the settable parameters above
can be turned “off” once set, to prevent unauthorized changes to
configuration. This is accomplished through a password protected
“supervisory mode”. Press ENTER to access the supervisory
mode, or CONFIG to return to normal operation.
Supervisory Mode
Press ENTER when “FUnC LOCK” is displayed, 0PWRD will be
displayed on the gauge. The password to enter supervisory mode is
101, set using the
keys. Holding a key continuously will
cause the display to advance more quickly for faster setting. The
password is factory set and cannot be changed
Your DPG4000 is shipped from the factory with all setting access
“unlocked” or available to be changed.
In supervisory mode each of the parameters can be locked or
unlocked using the
keys. Select LOC (lock) for those
parameters you do not want to be accessible, and UnLOC (unlock)
for those can be accessed.
In order, the functions that can be unlocked, locked or accessed
• Zero function (enable/disable)
• Set pressure units (enable/disable)
• Auto shutdown adjustment (enable/disable)
• Damping settings (enable/disable)
• Sample rate setting (enable/disable)
• Tare setting (enable/disable)
• Custom engineering units (set scale factor)
Use the CONFIG key to scroll through the above choices, and the
keys to lock and unlock features. Press CONFIG to
continue scrolling through the parameters, pressing ENTER at any
point saves your settings and returns the gauge to normal
When a function is “locked, it cannot be accessed or changed
from its current state. To change a locked function, enter the
supervisory mode, and unlock the function. Once it is changed,
you may enter supervisory mode to lock access again.
Setting a custom engineering unit or scale: The last menu choice
in supervisory mode is SET FACTR. This allows you to set a
multiplier factor from 0.001 to 100, creating a custom scale. The