tag, the configuration data is extracted and presented in a dialog
screen with the tabs Identification, Instrument Input, Instrument
Output, Tolerance, and Test Points for modification of the
configuration data. This dialog screen is described in detail in
section 9.9 below. When complete, the configuration is saved
into a user named file with the fixed extension UTG.
Display a tag configuration, and optionally print it.
Initially CL310-SW is set to store tags and groups in the root
folder 'Omega CL310-SW' within the 'My Documents' folder. If
you wish to store them into another folder, navigate to the
alternate folder before saving the first tag or group. From then
on, until a further alternate folder is chosen, that folder will be the
default for storage.
Create a new group of tags. Once the first tag for the group is
selected with a standard file dialog, a configuration screen is
displayed for modifying the contents of the group. This dialog
screen is described in detail in section 9.10 below. All tags
which are members of the group must reside in the same
directory as the group. When complete, the group is saved into
a user named file with the fixed extension UGP.
Edit an existing group of tags. After a group file is selected, a
configuration screen is displayed for modifying the contents of
the group. This dialog screen is described in detail in section
9.10 below. All tags which are members of the group must
reside in the same directory as the group. When complete, the
group is saved into a user named file with the fixed extension
UGP. This may be the original file name or a new one.
Display the members of a group of tags, and optionally print it.
Company Name
Display a dialog for entering and changing the company name
which is inserted at the top of each tag report. The maximum
length is 50 characters. If nothing is entered for this item,
nothing is inserted at the top of the tag reports.