Up to 16 characters may be entered for the field using a telephone
style entry method. The four lower lines provide a mapping of the
allowed alphanumeric characters to the numeric keypad keys. To
enter a character press the corresponding numeric key multiple
times to cycle through the mapped characters until the desired
character is displayed. For example, to enter E, press the 8 key 3
times. If the next character is on a different numeric key, simply
press that key to advance the cursor and display the first mapped
character. If the next character is on the same key, press ENTER to
advance the cursor before pressing the same key. To insert a space,
press ENTER twice. To erase characters press CE.
Press the DONE function key to return to the two page identification
data display.
Press the NEXT function key to display and edit the next data field in
Press the SAVE function key to save the data and proceed to the
results validation step.
8.2.4 Results Validation
After the identification data has been saved, a prompt is displayed
asking whether test results are to be validated or not. If validation is
selected, each test point is assigned a pass or fail status on the test
results displays and reports, and validation is automatically
performed at the end of each As Left test. If validation is not selected,
no status is displayed on the test results displays and reports, and
no As Left validation is performed.
Validation is based on a linear relationship between calibrator output
and input. Zero and span values are entered for both input and
output, along with a % span error tolerance. The zero and span end
points are used to calculate expected calibrator input values
corresponding to the actual calibrator output values. The expected
input values are then compared to the actual input values and
pass/fail status determined by the % span error tolerance.